PDE-5 Inhibitors

How To Use PDE-5 Inhibitors For ED Treatment?


Conditions like erectile dysfunction [ PDE-5 Inhibitors ] is a profoundly serious disease. The seriousness of the disease can be known by simply seeing how much it affects you. Its effect is not only limited to your sex life. For a man loss of erection abilities is a direct attack on his adulthood.

The mental distress that the disease can bring is immense. Because of all such reasons, we need quality drugs to fix this. If you are suffering from these issues, then you have just arrived at the right place.

We shall discuss the vital aspects of PDE-5 Inhibitors pills like Sildenafil that can help in fixing this. We must learn the essential details about the medicine that will help us get the best benefits out of it. Without further ado let us start discussing the critical aspects of such medicines.

What Does PDE-5 Inhibitors Pills Do?

Medicines like PDE-5 Inhibitors help in boosting erection abilities. Drugs like Cenforce 200 are a type of this.

  • The main action of the tablet is to inhibit a positive response to your sex life. It will create certain bodily changes that help better erection. It will help you last longer.
  • the medicine will help you fix ED. Such tablets can play a critical role in treating erectile dysfunction.
  • Its uses are both short-term and long-term. depending on the intensity of the issue it can be catered to your need.
  •  The medicine will help in improving your abilities in bed. It will help you restore your maturity.

Medicines like this do work in a certain manner. The working action of the tablet helps to promote erection. We should also discuss them.

The Following Drugs Are Used To Inhibit PDE5:

  • Sildenafil Citrate
  • Vardenafil
  • Tadalafil
  • Avanafil
  • How Do The PDE-5 Inhibitor Pills Work?

    The primordial action of the tablet is extremely basic. These medicines inhibit quality erection. Doing this will bring different physical and mental changes. In terms of bringing physical changes,

    • The medicine will help in boosting blood flow in the penis. It will do so by controlling high BP levels.
    • By reducing high BP levels, it increases blood volume. This makes more blood flow to happen in the penis.
    • Enhanced blood availability is backed up with better dilation of blood vessels. The PDE-5 Inhibitors medicine helps in dilating blood vessels that reach the penis.
    • Higher blood volume is carried through these blood vessels. This constant supply of blood helps in longing for your erection.

    It will also help in fixing libido levels. The medicine will help in improving sensitivity around the penis. This makes sex more pleasurable for you. This enhances your sex drive as well. This will fix issues like low sex drive that often affect your erection quality. In this way, it will help in fixing the mental health aspects of ED.

    PDE-5 Inhibitors

    How Should You Eat This Medicine To Treat ED?

    There is always a proper way of having a tablet. When it comes to dealing with low-sex issues, PDE-5 Inhibitors can solve this. Most of these drugs are oral medicines. For instance,

    if you are looking to have Fildena 150 you can simply gulp it down along water. This will allow the tablet to properly dissolve inside the stomach. It will create reliable results at the fastest of times.

    Ensure that you are not breaking or disintegrating the medicine. This can affect its effectiveness.

    You must also take this by maintaining caution. For instance, avoiding grip fruit juice and alcohol is vital to get the best results. It will help you avoid unwanted interactions.

    When Can You Eat The PDE-5 Inhibitors To Get Erections?

    Usage of the medicine is both for short-term and long-term uses.

    • The best time to fix here intimacy problems which are short term is to take the medicine immediately. This means that you must take the medicine right before sex to get its benefits for short-term uses.
    • You can take it about 30 or 40 minutes before sex. It will allow the medicine to work properly.
    • It will create good erections to last. these effects can well extend up to 6 or 7 hours.

    For long-term uses,

    • you need to take this at a fixed time of the day.
    • You need to continue taking the tablet every day along the course of the drug.
    • You must take the drug only once per day.


    The exact dose of the medicine will vary from person to person. It will depend on factors like internal conditions. It will depend on whether that person is allergic to a certain drug or not. For instance, a person allergic to Sildenafil might have to take tadalafil. It will depend on the intensity of the sexual problem as well.

    Only a doctor can assist your body and help you out with this. With your doctor, you shall share essential details like your allergic reactions and your medical history. If you have any existing medical condition, you must also let him know about that.

    Usually, the 100 mg variant of PDE-5 Inhibitors is potent for addressing high-intensity sexual problems. The 10 MG or 20 mg variants are given to manage primary erection troubles.

    Side Effects Of PDE-5 Inhibitors

    The medicine does come along with its share of side effects. Usually, the side effects will vary with the type of inhibiting drug you are taking. For instance, the side effects of Vardenafil will not be the same as Sildenafil pills. Still, the most common forms of side effects of the drug include-

    • Blurry visions
    • Headache
    • Dizziness
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

    Before you buy any of the PDE-5 inhibitors, talk to your doctor and learn about the possible side effects. It will help you buy the drug in the safest manner possible.

    Final Say

    The PDE-5 Inhibitors drugs will help you achieve a good erection. It can be an essential part of treatment for ED. You can safely have this medicine in its right dose to see benefits. Do a check-up with your doctor before opting for the right dose of such medicines.


    1. Is It Safe For Me To Have Them With Alcohol?

    No, you should not have this with alcohol. Most inhibiting drugs like Vidalista 40 can react with this. It will cause effects in the body which can trouble you.

    2. Is It Safe To Have PDE-5 Inhibitors Pills Along With Food?

    Most of these drugs do not interact with your regular meal. It is safe to have such pills along with any food that you are having. Ensure the food does not contain alcohol or grapefruit juice.

    3. Can I Have This With BP Medicines?

    Such medicines often interact with blood pressure tablets. BP medications like alpha blockers or beta-blockers may interact with these medicines. Consume them at separate times with caution.

    4. From Where Can I Get PDE-5 Inhibitors?

    PDE-5 inhibitor drugs are available in most online portals. You can get them from over-the-counter stores as well.

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